Are you ready to master your Self-Leadership so EVERY area of your life begins to thrive?

Freedom & Joy are yours to claim; first you need to master your relationship with yourself.

Overcome Fear

Many men are blocked to a loving connection to their most authentic self. The removal of unconscious pains and trauma creates a path to re-establish this foundational connection to build loving relations from.


Developing self-mastery builds a strong sense of self-accountability and trust in a man. Intentionality and unwavering integrity is formed. This evolving authentic power brigns a man into his strongest presence and enables him to radiate and attract good into the world.

Elevate the love

Everyman’s heart’s desire is for love. Accepting in this truth allows the abundant gifts of life to enter a man’s reality. As self-love blossoms through a newly found connection to his heart, the love that he desires externally begins to become his daily experience in all his walks of life.



You may realize that you have been avoiding your past pains and traumas for some time now. That you have become disconnected from your most authentic self due to the busyness of life and that this is impacting your sense of self-worth, vitality, connection to others and your overall sense of peace and joy in life. 

When I finally made a decision to NO LONGER be ruled by my past, everything changed!

Over the course of the last 13+ years I have journeyed deep into my inner world to truly know & love myself. Understanding my emotions, psyche and body, has enabled me to develop strong integrity in who I am and how I show up in the world. I live with a healthy sense of my own masculinity, am confident and grounded in my presence which is rooted in emotional sensitivity and self-accountability. I want this for everyman!

I help you obtain the necessary tools you need to build a loving relationship with yourself. I guide you in self-empowerment, emotional authentic self within your masculinity, so you can learn to truly love yourself. From here I empower you to cultivate the presence and connection you long for within your relationships for your all round success in life. 

Are you ready to move past your pain and step into the freedom that is rightfully yours to claim?



With 13+ years of personal recovery from alcohol addiction, & over 7 years experience in the therapy and personal development space, Ewan is a qualified counsellor, trauma informed men’s coach and men’s work facilitator. He is dedicated to leading men back into authentic connection with themselves so they can reach their highest potential in love and life.

Ewan combines the best of Western psychology and somatic practices, with the best of Eastern philosophy and spiritual practices, to empower his clients to harness inner and outer balance. Through this powerful diverse approach, Ewan helps men escape destructive self-sabotaging patterns to cultivate a positive connection to their authentic self. 

Ewan has helped hundreds of professional men who are motivated to restructure their relationship with themselves, to cultivate a profound self-love that positively impacts every element of their life.

Ewan has helped me to see, feel and heal. He has put me on the path to greater authenticity and purpose. The shame I have lived with that has impacted my relationship with myself and others for so long is gone and has been replaced with hope and creativity.

Andrew Breeze

I learned how to be a healthy masculine man. He helped me get lasting results by looking at the behaviors that I had from early childhood that were still affecting how I show up today. He helped me push past the edges of my comfort zone, to where so much healing and growth happened.” 

Michael Dorang


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